Wednesday 25 March 2015

Cleared Plates and Satisfied Mates!

Yes, I am the sad cookery-show-fan who wakes up early on a Saturday Morning to religiously watch Saturday Kitchen. And yes, I do set reminders for Masterchef to which I take VERY seriously. I was always the one to stay inside cooking with my mum, rather than going outside to play with all the other little kids and I do not regret it one bit!

Anyway….back to the actual blogging part, over the last few weeks I have shared my love of some of my favourite chefs, cooking programmes and recipe books. I've always loved the literary representation, visuals and aesthetics of food. Although it a performance by the chef, I love the way they present or describe food on screen and cooking shows. I love emotion and drive behind a dish and how that makes you feel. I love reading about food and talking about food. And while researching for this blog, I came across the most beautiful articles that has inspired me to spread my love and passion of food!

I hope you've enjoyed my blog!

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